Getting Started

Ok, so the website is a bit confusing and the forums go on forever. I thought I'd do a quick outline of what to read before you start a character in an order that should make some sense for those just starting out. It will help in character creation and your first day in Arabel to know the following:

  1. Hopefully on the last page you checked the DM Names, type of server- always good to read the first page.
  2. General information on CoA
  3. Server rules- just so you don't get banned right off the bat
  4. Game Mechanics- HCR and heavy scripting change CoA considerably from the standard mod
  5. Basics on how to create a good character for ROLEPLAYING rather than POWERGAMING as this is a roleplaying server.
  6. Approved races for your character. No vampires or half dragons please- pick from the list. If you want to play something else, you can earn special things by winning roleplaying awards.
  7. Pick a Deity for your character- 99% of everyone in the FR has a favorite god. If you're a cleric or paladin and don't have an approved god in your deity field, don't be surprised if you have no powers. Also check the domain for your chosen deity- be sure to pick proper domains. Monk orders & multiclasses and Paladin multiclasses are available from that page as well.
  8. Learn a little about the Setting. It's probably safe to assume even if you come from far away you know who the head honcho is and what the city militia look like and such. Take a look and get acquainted.
  9. Check the latest news and changes to the game. Never hurts to check to see what changes have been made. You can also see all the bug fixes and recent changes to spells from this page.
  10. Got to the forums and get an account and get involved in the community there. It helps you keep up on news and changes as well as discussions on the game setting.
  11. Check the Site Map to see if there's anything else you want to know about.